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Extra childcare hours could free up people to work in care industry

The increase in free childcare hours from September could release more people to work in the care industry.

Here at Sentinel Care Services we always have an eye on how we can help people achieve their goal of working in care.

We believe in trying to accommodate talented people within the company, and those who are also juggling a family life and see the new changes may now have an opportunity to fulfill those dreams.

Government plans for childcare are the biggest in the industry’s history. Thirty hours of free care during term time – double the current amount – is now offered for all three and four-year-olds whose parents work more than 16 hours a week and earn less than £100,000 a year.

The 30 hours free childcare entitles parents to an extra 570 hours across the year. To qualify, couples must both expect to earn at least £120 a week – the equivalent of 16 hours a week at the minimum wage.

To qualify, a child will be three or four years old when the scheme starts in September 2017.

Government officials say this scheme has already been successfully piloted in a number of areas across the UK and is now available here in Shropshire and Staffordshire.

We believe the new scheme may give parents the extra flexibility to go out and seek employment and maybe take up an option to work in the care industry.

We view this prospect as being of mutual benefit to potential new staff, Sentinel and our clients.

The care industry is growing all the time and more and more clients are in need of our help.

These extra free hours will be an advantage to those parents wanting to go out to work and we are asking people who may be thinking along these lines to consider a career in care.

Sentinel’s top priority is the care and well-being of our clients and the dignity of them remaining independent and being able to stay in their own home.

To do this we need to ensure a depth of talent in our staff structure which can fulfill their needs.

The Government website offers more information on the changes and eligibility of the new scheme.

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